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5 Simple Changes that Add Value to Ranch Land

Ranch Land

As landowners, we love to enjoy our land and see it grow in beauty. As business owners, we love to see our land grow in value as well. Here are 5 simple changes that can bring immense added value to your land.

Fencing & Gates

Add Value to Ranch LandExotics and livestock require their own types of fencing and areas of your ranch may require water-gap solutions and predator or even hog-proof fencing. It is best to sit down with a professional and talk about the needs for your ranch, then determine if the fencing you currently have is not only the right type but also if it is in need of repair.

Cattle fences are the most common option for most landowners as it offers versatility for use both now and in the future.  Most cattle fences can also be upgraded to include predator and hog deterrent options.

Land Clearing

Add Value to Ranch LandRemoving undesired underbrush and trees has a substantial impact on the value, functionality and visual appeal of ranch property. Land clearing and strategically placed wildlife food plots are also an important part of any land enhancement initiative. If wildlife know they can find food all year, they are more likely to use your property all year. This part of herd management brings you a more profitable hunting experience.




Roads and Trails

Roads and trails for walking, riding or 4-wheeling around your ranch property provide access, enjoyment and improve land value. Creating the right types of roads by installing culverts and other necessary road features, assure you of accessibility that will maintain the best natural features of your property while providing long term access to the entirety of your land.

Ranch Products

Add Value to Ranch LandWater and grazing rotation are keys to successful herd management, but lowering the burden of maintenance is equally important to scale any livestock operation. Quality ranch products from watering systems to hunting blinds and feeders can be strategically placed on your land  and provide increased efficiency to your ranching or hunting operation.

Meet With Tejas

Dallas Safari Club ConventionMeet with us to master plan your ranch as you uncover its hidden value. Each fence we install is a “custom” project based on specific needs. Our capabilities include predator deterrence and exclusive water gap solutions. Our fences are of the best quality high-tensile steel mesh. We have forestry and tree mulching machinery for land clearing. We can clear land – preserving desired trees – that allows for the perfect balance of function and beauty. Tejas has experience constructing and grading ranch roads and trails. With our expertise in installing culverts and other road features, you can have accessibility that maintains natural features.

During your master planning session, we can determine the best viable places for catching water. Like you, we have spent countless hours working the land, managing the herd and preparing for hunting seasons. We scoured the region and talked with many a rancher and outfitter to find the best quality farm & ranch products available. Tejas is an official dealer for Gallagher electric fences, Miraco watering systems, MB Ranch King Blinds and Atascosa Blinds.

It is our hope as a ranch fence contractor that we can be a resource to our clients that not only brings added enjoyment but also added value to your ranch land.

Contact us online to discuss how to add value to ranch land.

For information on Henderson County Texas land values and appraisals, visit Henderson County Central Appraisal District website.

Tejas Ranch & Game Fence
Superior Ranch Fence Contractors


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