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Water Gap and Trail Crossing Enhances Texas Ranch

Water Gap and Trail Crossing

Streams are terrific on Texas ranch properties, but can cause a challenge for both wildlife population management and for maintaining vehicle access.

We recently installed a FloatMaster water gap in a fence line and a 36″ ADS poly-resin culvert in a creek to make a trail crossing. The side slopes are rocked with iron ore rip rap.  The clay that forms the crossing is topped with crushed concrete to stabilize the clay and form an all weather driving surface.

These land services provide both the wildlife protection and property access, and demonstrate just one more aspect of the land services available to Texas landowners.

In addition to water gap fencing, Tejas offers a wide variety of high fence options built using premium ranch fence materials including, cattle fence, high game fence, hog-proof fence, and horse fence, all installed by our high fence installation experts.

Tejas Ranch & Game Fence
Superior Ranch Fence Contractors


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