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Tejas Ranch & Game Fence

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When managing livestock, installing the correct type of fence is a crucial investment for farmers and ranchers. Cattle fencing ensures livestock security, prevents cattle from wandering off, and protects them from predators. The cost of cattle fences can vary significantly…
The venerable barbed wire fence is one with which we are all familiar. The construction of barbed wire fences involves setting sturdy wooden or metal posts into the ground, typically every 10 to 12 feet. Between these posts, strands of…
The history of cattle fencing in the United States dates back to the mid-19th century and is deeply intertwined with the development of agriculture and ranching. Tejas Ranch & Game Fence owner John Payne is a fifth-generation Texan. He has…
The Complete Guide: High Game Fence Tejas Ranch & Fence owner John Payne provides a complete guide to buying a high-game fence on your property! We discuss the benefits, values, patterns, materials, knot types, predator-proofing, and much more! Watch to…
Tejas Ranch & Game Fence was recently featured on the cover of the American Fence Association’s Fencepost Magazine for its water gap fencing solution. Read the full article below about water gap fencing best practices.   Fencing for farm and…
Tejas Ranch & Game Fence
Superior Ranch Fence Contractors


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Whether your goal is to keep animals within your property or keep predators out, our product solutions and expertise sets the standard in high game and livestock fences.